Olwethu Hoko

Loko u nga fambi u ta teka makwenu – Wonderful Baloyi

Hello, my name is Wonderful Rito Baloyi. I am a proud Tsonga from Malamule in Limpopo. My favorite African proverb is “Loko u nga fambi u ta teka makwenu”. Direct translation to English is “if you do not travel, you will end up marrying your own sister”. This basically means in order to learn more […]

Bana ba motho ba ngwathelana hlogo ya tsie – Emmission Sibuyi

“Bana ba motho ba ngwathelana hlogo ya tsie”. Growing up we had very little and my mother instilled in me that sharing is caring. In a household full of 8 children, being selfish with toys, food etc was the way to go but my mother told me that human being should share where possible hence […]

kitso ke tshingwana, ge o sa e lemi, o ka se e tlhafule – Lerato Mawela

My strong african proverb goes like “kitso ke tshingwana, ge o sa e lemi, o ka se e tlhafule” – meaning that “knowledge is a garden, if not cultivated then it cannot be harvested”. This proverb was passed on to me by my father. He always used to say and I quote” just because you […]

Tloga tloga e tloga kgale, modisa wa kgomo o tswa natso sakeng – Kgabo Ngoepe

“Tloga tloga e tloga kgale, modisa wa kgomo o tswa natso sakeng” – which simply implies the importance of working hard from the go and avoid procrastination. The above Sepedi Proverb reminds me of the time I was still in high school (Mahoai high School) deep in the rurals of Limpopo. Every first day at […]

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